Parks & playgrounds are a great way to stay active for people of all ages including families with children. Use the map and information on this page to find where parks, playgrounds & public green spaces are located in and around Boston, Massachusetts.






"Jeep" Jones Park, Roxbury

Adams/ King Playground, Fields Corner West

Almont Park, Mattapan

Amatucci Playground, Hyde Park

Barry Playground, Charlestown

Bay Village Neighborhood Park, Downtown Boston

Beauford Play Area, Roxbury

Beethoven School Play Area, West Roxbury

Billings Field, West Roxbury

Boston Common, Theater District

Bradford Street Play Area, South End

Brewer-Burroughs Playground, Jamaica Plain

Buckley Playground, South Boston

Byrne Playground, Clam Point

Caldwell Street Play Area, East Somerville

Carter Playground, South End

Cassidy Playground, Chestnut Hill

Ceylon Park, Roxbury

Chandler/Tremont Plaza, South End

Charlestown High School Athletic Fields, Medford Street/ The Neck

Children's Park, Roxbury

Christopher F. Lee Playground, South Boston

Clarendon Street Play Lot, Back Bay

Clifford Playground, Roxbury

Cook Street Play Area, Medford Street/ The Neck

Crawford Street Playground, Roxbury

Dennis Street Park, Roxbury

Doherty Playground, Medford Street/ The Neck

Downer Avenue Playground, Jones Hill

Draper Playground, West Roxbury

Edwards Playground, Medford Street/ The Neck

Erie/ Ellington Playground, Franklin Field North

Ernst Chery Jr. Playground, Mattapan

Fallon Field, Roslindale

Fidelis Way Park, Aberdeen

Flaherty Park, South Boston

Flaherty Playground, 2 locations

Forbes Street Playground, Jamaica Plain

Franklin Park, Franklin Park

Frieda Garcia Children's Park, South End

Garvey Playground, Neponset/ Port Norfolk

Gibbons Playground, Roxbury

Hannon Playground, Dudley Square

Harambee Park, Mattapan

Hardiman Playground, Oak Square

Harvard Mall, Thompson Square/ Bunker Hill

Healy Playground, Roslindale

Hemenway Playground, Neponset/ Port Norfolk

Hobart Park, Oak Square

Hooker Street Playground, Lower Allston

Howes Playground, Roxbury

Hynes Playground, West Roxbury

James Hayes Park, South End

Jefferson Playground, Jamaica Plain

Joe Moakley Park, Columbus Park/ Andrew Square

John A. Doherty Playground, Fields Corner West

Joyce Playground, Aberdeen

Lambert Avenue Playground, Roxbury

Little Scobie Playground, Dudley Square

Malcolm X Park, Roxbury

Marcella Playground, Roxbury

Martin Playground, Lower East Mills/ Cedar Grove

Mayor Menino Park, Central Square

McGann Playground, Hyde Park

Mckinney Playground, Oak Square

McLaughlin Playground, Jamaica Plain

Millennium Park, West Roxbury

Mission Hill Playground, Mission Hill

Monsignor Reynolds Playground, South End

Mount Pleasant Play Area, Roxbury

Mozart Street Playground, Jamaica Plain

Murphy Playground, Jamaica Plain

Myrtle Street Playground, Downtown Crossing

O'day Park, South End

Orchard Park, Roxbury

Orton Field, South Boston

Parkman Playground, Roslindale


Penniman Road Play Area, Allston

Peters Park, Shawmut

Philips Street Play Area, West End

Portsmouth Street Playground, Lower Allston

Ramsay Park, South End

Ringer Playground, Allston

Ringgold Park, South End

Ripley Playground, Franklin Field North

Robert F. Ryan Play Area, Upham's Corner

Ross Playground, Hyde Park

Rossmore and Stedman Street Park, Stonybrook

Rotch Playground, South End

Ryan Playground, East Somerville

Smith Playground, Lower Allston

St. James Street Park, Roxbury

Stonehill Park, Hyde Park

Sweeney Playground, 2 locations

Thetford Evans Playground, Mattapan

Thomas J. Roberts Playground, Codman Square

Titus Sparrow Park, Colombus

Trotter School Playground, Roxbury

Union Park Street Play Area, South End

Walker Playground, Mattapan

Walnut Park Play Area, Roxbury

Walsh Playground, Lower East Mills/ Cedar Grove

Winthrop Playground, Roxbury


Almont Park, Mattapan

Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Jamaica Hills/ Pond

Boston Public Garden, Boston

Brighton Common, Brighton

Cardinal Cushing Park, Downtown Boston

Commonwealth Avenue Outbound, Back Bay

Copley Square, Back Bay

Copp's Hill Terrace, Downtown Boston

Coppens Square, Bowdoin North/ Mount Bowdoin

English High School Ball Fields, Jamaica Plain

Fallon Field, Roslindale

Geneva Cliffs Urban Wild, Bowdoin North/ Mount Bowdoin

Harambee Park, Mattapan

Hayes Square, Charlestown

Healy Playground, Roslindale

Jefferson Playground, Jamaica Plain

McLaughlin Playground, Jamaica Plain

Mission Hill Playground, Mission Hill

Motherbrook III Urban Wild, Hyde Park

Mozart Street Playground, Jamaica Plain

Murphy Playground, Jamaica Plain

Oak Square, Oak Square

Olmsted Park, Jamaica Plain

Pagel Playground, Roslindale

Parkman Memorial, Jamaica Plain

Phipps Street Burying Ground, Charlestown

Reservation Road Park, Hyde Park

Ross Playground, Hyde Park

South Street Courts and Mall, Leather District

Stonehill Park, Hyde Park

Thetford Evans Playground, Mattapan

Thompson Square, Thompson Square/ Bunker Hill

Walker Playground, Mattapan

Winthrop Square, Cambridge


Boston Common, Theater District

Charter Street Park, Downtown Boston

Christopher Columbus Park, Downtown Boston

Copp's Hill Terrace, Downtown Boston


"Jeep" Jones Park, Roxbury

Adams Park, Roslindale

Allen Park, Meeting House Hill

Almont Park, Mattapan

Angell Memorial Square, Downtown Boston

Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Jamaica Hills/ Pond

Bay Village Garden, Downtown Boston

Bay Village Neighborhood Park, Downtown Boston

Billings Field, West Roxbury

Blackstone Square, South End

Boston Common, Theater District

Cardinal Cushing Park, Downtown Boston

Carter Playground, South End

Cedar Square, Roxbury

Ceylon Park, Roxbury

Chandler/Tremont Plaza, South End

Charter Street Park, Downtown Boston

Childe Hassam Park, South End

Children's Park, Roxbury

Christopher Columbus Park, Downtown Boston

Clifford Playground, Roxbury

Copp's Hill Terrace, Downtown Boston

Deer Street Park, Jones Hill

Dell Rock Urban Wild, Hyde Park

Dennis Street Park, Roxbury

Dorchester Park, Lower East Mills/ Cedar Grove

Draper Playground, West Roxbury

Dudley Town Common, Roxbury

Elmhurst Park, Codman Square

English High School Ball Fields, Jamaica Plain

Fallon Field, Roslindale

Fidelis Way Park, Aberdeen

Flaherty Park, South Boston

Flaherty Playground, 2 locations

Franklin Park, Franklin Park

Franklin Square, South End

Harambee Park, Mattapan

Hariet Tubman Square, South End

Healy Playground, Roslindale

Highland Park, Roxbury

Hobart Park, Oak Square

Horatio Harris Park, Washington Park

Iacono Playground, Hyde Park

Jamaica Pond, Jamaica Plain

James Hayes Park, South End

Joe Moakley Park, Columbus Park/ Andrew Square

Laviscount Park, Washington Park

Malcolm X Park, Roxbury

Mayor Menino Park, Central Square

McConnell Park, Jones Hill

McLaughlin Playground, Jamaica Plain

Medal of Honor Park, 2 locations

Millennium Park, West Roxbury

Mission Hill Playground, Mission Hill

Mother's Rest at Four Corners, Fields Corner West

Motherbrook III Urban Wild, Hyde Park

Murphy Playground, Jamaica Plain

Nellie Miranda Memorial Park, Upham's Corner

Nira Rock Urban Wild, Jamaica Plain

O'day Park, South End

Olmsted Park, Jamaica Plain

Orchard Park, Roxbury

Orton Field, South Boston

Pagel Playground, Roslindale

Parkman Memorial, Jamaica Plain

Peter Looney Park, Thompson Square/ Bunker Hill

Peters Park, Shawmut

Ramsay Park, South End

Raymond V.Mellone Park, Lower Allston

Reservation Road Park, Hyde Park

Reverend Loesch Family Park, St. Marks

Ringgold Park, South End

Rogers Park, Brighton

Ronan Park, Meeting House Hill

Rossmore and Stedman Street Park, Stonybrook

Rotch Playground, South End

Saint Helena’s Park, South End

Savin Hill Park, Jones Hill

Shangri-La Community Garden, Mattapan

Shubow Park, St. Elizabeth's

South Street Courts and Mall, Leather District

Stonehill Park, Hyde Park

Thetford Evans Playground, Mattapan

Titus Sparrow Park, Colombus

Union Park Street Play Area, South End

Walker Playground, Mattapan

West and Austin Rock Urban Wild, Hyde Park


