Fitness Fads

Longest Boxing Fight(450)

Let’s face it- we’ve all silently judged the guy who hit the treadmill in a pair of Levis. While his willingness to squeeze in that last-minute workout is admirable, sweating in denim is anything but stylish. However, neither is a wool skirt, and that was the go-to outfit for sporty women in the 1920s. Let’s take a peek into the gym bags over several generations.

1920s – Collars & Heals

Far from the cutting-edge, sweat-wicking Nike polos of the modern day, the 1920s was all about thick clothes, and full-body coverage. The staples were flat-soled, white sneakers and an array of plaid and striped accessories. Ribbed ankle socks also appear to be a “do.”

Aerodynamics wasn’t an issue, as parachute pants and below-the-knee skirts were the common legwear.

1930s/1940s – Shorts & Headscarves

The 30s and 40s made way for above-the-knee shorts and skirts. Ankle socks also made a reappearance, paired with similar tennis shoe footwear. The look became more streamlined as workout classes were marketed toward women.

Dance classes featured airy dresses, accessorized by sweat towels and headbands to soak up brow sweat.

1950s/1960s – High-Waisted Shorts & Pastel

If a pair of men’s shorts ended up on the women’s rack at the store, you probably wouldn’t know the difference. These short, cotton bottoms were practically universal; if they were cannery yellow- even better. Find a matching top, and you’re all set!

1970s/1980s – Spandex & Spandex

Behold— Spandex. Both men and women took part in the microfiber revolution that offered a new range of mobility. Whether it was leggings, overalls, or full-fledged leotards, a tight fit was the uniform of aerobics classes everywhere.

1990s – Windbreakers & Swishy Pants

While the spandex trend raged on, puffy cover-ups became a must-have. Equally kaleidoscopic windbreakers and puffy pants became the pre and post-workout necessity. This track-style attire worked as a drag suit so when you shed the extra layer you are even more sleek and aerodynamic.

2000s – Sleek & Dark

After a two-decade run, the rainbow ran out. Today, gyms are (thankfully) filled with the grey-scale neutrals: black, white, grey, and navy—with the occasional neon sneakers. The new gym uniform is a product of its predecessors, a combination of tight and loose fits. For instance, generational trademark yoga pants are a direct descendant of the 80s airtight trend. However tank tops and t-shirts tend to be loose, light, and less aerodynamic, similar to the windbreaker fit.

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